1. Visit NATROX® Wound Care at Booth 426. Join us at the booth on Friday, October 4 at 1:00 pm for:
  1. Hands-On Workshop: Overcoming Challenges in Assessing and Managing Lower Extremity Wounds
  • Thursday, October 3, 1:20 pm – 4:40 pm
  • Location: Augustus 1
  • NATROX Wound Care is a proud supporter of this LE CME Workshop
  1. Poster Viewing & Reception

Friday, October 4 | 6:15 pm

CS-033 Poster: Continuous Topical Oxygen Therapy (cTOT) as part of the​ reconstructive ladder of limb salvation: a case series

CS-034 Poster ​: The Use of cTOT in Tandem with ​CAMPS to Treat Complex, Chronic Wounds: Retrospective Case Series

LR-003 Poster: Impact of Continuous Topical Oxygen Therapy on ​ Moisture Levels

LR-004 Poster: Impact of Continuous Topical Oxygen Therapy on ​Fluid Handling