Worldwide, hospital beds are no longer viewed as just a piece of furniture. The high demand for quality care has led LINET Group to develop products with the potential to aid and provide better outcomes for patients and nurses. The main hospital initiatives are fall-prevention management, pressureinjury management, early mobility and safe patient handling.

The issue of financial and working conditions is important for everyone. LINET is introducing processes that are welcomed by hospital management because they facilitate the work of staff, and help to prevent work-related injuries, which also has financial benefits.

"Since immobilisation is a common problem for a number of patients, especially in the ICU, we came up with the idea of Early Mobilization with LINET, based on the early mobilisation concept already established by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses," says Katerina Jansova, a clinical coach for LINET and an intensive care nurse specialist with 16 years of nursing experience who is certificated by Birmingham City University as a moving and handling trainer. "Our new Early Mobilization with LINET programme uses the recommended procedures of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses and enhances them with unique LINET features, such as automatic lateral therapy (ALT), micro-shifting and Mobi-Lift. All of these components support ICU activities and can improve the safety of the entire early mobilisation programme in your intensive care department."

"Our new early mobilisation with LINET programme uses the recommended procedures of the AACN and enhances them with unique LINET features."
Katerina Jansova, LINET

Identify dangers

Immobility may cause complications such as pneumonia or pressure injuries, and it’s important for nurses and doctor to define which patients can benefit from ALT therapy. There are algorithms that have been created to simply select the right patients for the correct therapy, whether it’s to support respiratory function or pressure injury prevention.

Regular repositioning of the patients is crucial in pressure injury prevention, but studies show that less than 3% of critically ill patients are turned every two hours, as recommended by current guidelines. LINET products support the prevention of pressure injuries with a framed-based lateral tilt that addresses this problem, and makes positioning an easy and effortless task for staff. Micro-shifting even makes it possible to tilt the patient one to three degrees at a time, and other sophisticated bed functions, such as the Ergoframe and the Cardiac Chair, also provide effective support to prevent pressure injuries. The Mobi-Lift and the side rails are unique LINET features that can improve the safety of the entire early mobilisation programme in an intensive care department.

Besides this, LINET also offers a range of pressure-relieving mattresses and is proud of the new Virtuoso range. The mattresses function on the principle of three combined cells and zero pressure. LINET has also developed the OptiCare fully automatic mattress, where immersion and envelopment properties are crucial in pressure injury prevention. Immersion is the most fundamental strategy for reducing pressure near a bony prominence by allowing the body part to be immersed in the support surface. Immersion also increases the potential for body weight to be shifted to areas around other skeletal protrusions. Envelopment is the ability of the support surface to enfold the body and as the body’s contact area with the support material increases, pressure decreases.