Blue Ocean Robotics creates and commercialises new innovative robots to a wide range of industries, including healthcare, education and manufacturing. It is our mission to create and commercialise robot solutions that improve quality-of-life, working environments and productivity. We strive to be the lead partner in creating and commercialising robots for end-users, partners and robotic communities worldwide. This way, we apply robot technology to create solutions and innovation in partnership with end-users and businesses.

RoBi-X – A co-creation partnership

Blue Ocean Robotics has developed the RoBi-X partnership programmes for the co-creation of robotic solutions including design, development and commercialisation. RoBi-X is a range of partnership programmes in which Blue Ocean Robotics works with private and public entities to co-create and commercialise innovative robotic solutions. A partnership is based on a close collaboration and commitment from both parties in order to ensure the best possible result, as well as a co-investment for the initial quantification of concept and business plan. By being a RoBi-X co-partner, a number of valuable upsides are achievable, such as co-ownership of a product, discounts on future purchases, share of profits from the derived business, licenses, exclusivity, and much more.

Have a project you would like to investigate the potential of? Then do not hesitate to contact us − our team is ready to help you overcome your challenges.

Logistic robots − make logistics smart and value-adding

Our logistics robots are used to transport food, bedding, medicine, clothing, servicing around hospitals, nursing and rehab centres, administrative buildings, etc., so staff can achieve a better work environment and deal with more value-added activities to achieve greater productivity. Among our solutions you will find the TUG, Savione and Budgee.

Be present with our Smart Presence Systems − telepresence

Our telepresence solutions are used to support collaboration between family and hospital doctors, and among employees at care centres for residents with a demanding medical diagnosis and treatment. The Smart Presence Systems enables a better service level, lower costs and better use of time in remote areas. Among our solutions you will find our Beam SPS solutions and the VGo.

Better cleaning − higher disinfection

Our cleaning and disinfection robots are used to clean large areas and disinfect premises where there is a need for special attention on hygiene such as around hospital bed divisions, operating rooms, and in disabled and elderly housing. Thus, the quality of life increases for the individual citizen/patient, and staff productivity and working environment can be used on more value-adding tasks. Among our solutions you will find the autonomous UV-Disinfection Robot and the Floor Washing Robot.

Better rehabilitation to get you back on your feet

Our rehabilitation solutions are made with the patient in mind. The main uses are rehabilitation, training assistance and activation of citizens or patients in need of physical or mental training. Our rehabilitation solutions include the Tyromotion for rehabilitation, the REX Bionics Exoskeleton and the RUFUS running companion.