The three basic elements of a successful instrument traceability system can be considered to form a triangle. Every element is essential in achieving an effective system, which works in the real world. The first element comprises of excellent software systems and has long been available. Many systems have been optimised for Central Sterile Services Departments (CSSDs), and offer benefits over and above a reliable traceability solution. The second element consists of laser and other code marking techniques, which are available from many manufacturers. Smaller and clearer codes can now be marked quickly and cost effectively. Historically, the final element – effective 2D DataMatrix code readers – have been absent.

Typically, generic readers have been used. These have often been handheld and, therefore, difficult to aim and focus. Difficulty in reading codes makes the whole traceability process slower and impractical, creating resistance to the implementation of the process by users who are frustrated by poor performance.

SurgiScan readers provide the missing piece necessary to complete the instrument-traceability triangle. They have been designed specifically for instrument reading in CSSDs, providing quick and effective traceability. SurgiScans have several benefits:

  • They are incredibly quick and easy to use, without any training or technique, so reading does not add time to the CSSD process.
  • They reliably read any mark on any instrument regardless of its size or material. Codes less than 1mm² can be read, even though the human eye may struggle to locate them.
  • They can work with any software system. SurgiScan readers can be supplied with any new traceability system or retrofitted.
  • They facilitate cleaning with a sealed aluminium case that prevents the entry of water (IP65). They easily fit into the CSSD regime.

Time and again, their reliability and ease of operation has been proved at locations worldwide.