Craneware, a provider of value cycle solutions for the US healthcare market, has teamed up with Microsoft to improve technical innovation and collaboration in the healthcare industry.

The collaboration aims to deliver differentiated offerings and enhanced value to customers through the application of data analytics, AI, and modern platform technology.

It will combine the power of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and its AI capabilities with Craneware’s advanced healthcare revenue integrity solutions.

Under the partnership, Craneware will offer its Trisus Platform and products on the Azure Marketplace.

Initially, Trisus Chargemaster, Trisus Decision Support, and Trisus Labor Productivity will be offered on the Microsoft commercial marketplace.

In addition to the collaboration, Craneware has signed a Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC) agreement and named a Microsoft Global Partner Solution provider.

Craneware Group CEO and co-founder Keith Neilson said: “We are delighted to strengthen our relationship with Microsoft and their Global Partner Solutions team, with the aim of bringing powerful AI offerings to the US healthcare industry.

“This agreement deepens our relationship with Microsoft, aligning strategic goals and fostering collaboration on future technology initiatives, marking a milestone in our journey to transform the business of healthcare.”

The partnership allows Craneware to use Microsoft Azure’s advanced tools and services for its solutions and enables a proactive go-to-market plan, with joint marketing initiatives.

It helps healthcare customers to easily purchase the Trisus Platform and products in the marketplace, pre-configured and ready to deploy on Microsoft Azure.

The collaboration provides expanded cloud capabilities through access to additional features of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

It also enables predictable cloud spending, budget optimisation, and enhanced financial planning, driving cost efficiency through the MACC agreement.

Craneware teams have already started working with Microsoft’s AI experts to advance the application of AI enhancements to existing Trisus offerings and explore new applications.

The value cycle solutions provider is well-positioned to provide actionable insights to support participants with better operational and strategic decisions across the healthcare industry.

Microsoft Health and Life Sciences senior director Gareth Hall said: “We’re thrilled to be able to support Craneware in not only elevating healthcare providers’ operational efficiency and financial performance but also enhancing the quality of patient care.

“Together, we can bring advanced AI-powered solutions to market that will help healthcare customers transform their businesses, deliver impactful solutions, and demonstrate the additional power of the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare.”