All articles by julian turner

julian turner

Robo-doctor – mechanising surgery

As the first robot to complete soft-tissue surgery is hailed as the future of medicine, Practical Patient Care explores whether this is the end for human surgeons in the operating room. Are machines going to do everything or will there still be a place for humans to guide them? Kim Thomas speaks to Dr Peter Kim, who was involved with the research to develop the technology, about what this will mean for operating rooms and patient safety.

Squeaky clean – keeping operating rooms sterile

Keeping operating rooms clean and sterile is a vital process, and one that is constantly being tweaked. Trevor Garcia, MIDSc, director of education at the UK Institute of Decontamination Sciences, speaks to Kerry Taylor-Smith about how to ensure proper storage in an operating theatre that will enable a smooth flow of surgical instruments. He explains why balancing innovative methods in storage, rotation and packaging, with the long-standing traditional methods, are the best way to ensure a successful operating room theatre for patients and staff.

Mass enlistment: the future of trauma care

Over the past 20 years, trauma care has evolved thanks to improvements in systems, assessment, triage, resuscitation and emergency care. In spite of this, huge gaps still exist in hospital procedures and operational care, the reform of which could save lives. We speak to Dr Lewis Kaplan, MD, associate professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, about ways to improve emergency medicine, not least in combatting preventable fatalities from problems with airways and infusions.

Second sight – next-generation imaging probes

Andrew Putwain speaks to Paul Galluzzo, The Technology Partnership’s chief researcher, about a new imaging probe designed to give surgeons better vision during procedures – for example, when killing or removing cancerous or damaged tissue; navigating around the body during an operation; and working with catheters inside an organ – and how this will benefit patients in the long term.

Inside young minds – unlocking teenage brains with MRI technology

Professor Ed Bullmore, head of psychiatry at the University of Cambridge, talks to Lynette Eyb about how new MRI technology is being used to unlock the secrets of the teenage brain and possible causes of mental illness.

Harmful rays – fluoroscopically guided interventional procedures

Technologists who perform fluoroscopically guided interventional procedures face increased risks of brain and breast cancers and melanoma, according to a new study. Dr Preetha Rajaraman, South Asia programme director at the US National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health, discusses the safety issues for patients and radiologists.

Secrets to perfection – the perfect central sterile services department

Practical Patient Care explores how to make the perfect central sterile services department (CSSD) in a hospital. We talk to Courtney Mace-Davis – who recently won a prestigious award for her work at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics – about her profession, its place in hospital management and her personal tips on building a successful and effective team in the CSSD.

Reducing radiation dose for paediatric CT

Radiation dose, always a concern in CT, is particularly risky for children. Luckily, there is a new way to reduce the dose without adversely affecting image quality, according to a study published online in Radiology.

Heart can heal using own immune cells, say US researchers

The heart contains its own pool of immune cells capable of helping it heal after injury, according to new research in the US.

Best in small doses – improving CT safety

While CT scans are highly effective methods of imaging, the safety risks associated with them are troubling, fuelling fears that the modality is being overused. At Massachusetts General Hospital, the Radiology Department has taken steps to reduce the rate of ‘inappropriate tests’ and cut radiation dose overall. Dr Dushyant Sahani, chief of CT, discusses what measures hospitals can take to improve CT safety.