All articles by Blatha


Efficacy and the path to a cure: treating cystic fibrosis

Proving the effectiveness of treatments for cystic fibrosis has traditionally been limited to basic lung function tests; however, a new MRI technique that was trialled at the University of Missouri has shown that new drugs may offer fresh hope to patients. Ross Davies speaks to Dr Talissa Altes, chair of the study, about her findings.

The beginning of the end for prostate cancer

MRI ultrasound fusion biopsies may sound like something from science fiction, but they are acutally a breakthrough in imaging technology, which help surgeons deliver a better quality of life to patients. Dr Gopal Gupta, associate profressor at Loyola Medicine, Chicago, speaks to Andrew Putwain about what this technology can offer to prostate cancer sufferers.

Rays of hope: advanced X-ray technology

Hospitals have been using X-ray machines for more than 100 years, but limitations remain in the size at which they work well. Andrea Valentino talks to Thierry Grosjean from the FEMTO-ST Institute in France about a possible solution that involves using a horn antenna, and how his work might allow doctors to get closer to tissue and tumours.