All articles by Barney horner

Barney horner

New large-scale project on medicinal cannabis

Drug Science, an independent, science-led drugs charity, is launching Project TWENTY21, a national medical cannabis pilot, in collaboration with academia, patient groups such as the United Patients Alliance, industry and medical prescribers

New report finds 9 out of 10 liver disease patients diagnosed in A & E will die within a year

The British Liver Trust is calling for urgent action as figures in their new report, ‘The Alarming Rise of Liver Disease in the UK’, reveal that patients diagnosed with liver disease as an emergency presentation will be dead within a year.

Whole genome sequencing can demonstrate transmission of bacterial strain

Researchers have used whole genome sequencing (WGS) to show the transmission of a single bacterial strain that possessed a carbapenem-resistance gene in a northern California hospital in the US

GDPR: challenges for research

Scientific journals and funding bodies often demand researchers to submit individual genetic data from studies in research repositories to help inform future research

3D printed tissues and organs without the scaffolding

Engineered tissues and organs have been grown with varying degrees of success in labs for many years. Many of them have used a scaffolding approach where cells are seeded onto biodegradable supportive structures that provide the underlying architecture of the organ or tissue desired.

MSPs vote on organ donation opt-out regulation

A move to an ‘opt-out’ system for organ donation in Scotland is to be voted on by MSPs later today. Currently, people must ‘opt-in’ to organ donation through a registration process.

Rudeness in operating room poses threat to patient safety

Incivility in the operating room is a potential threat

Glasgow leading the way in reducing medicine’s gender gap

Glasgow is leading the way in closing medicine’s gender gap, thanks to a new initiative which will be jointly launched today by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the University of Glasgow.

EWMA 2019 Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, 5-7 June 2019

The EWMA 2019 Conference is organised in cooperation with the Swedish Wound Care Nurses Association (SSiS) and in collaboration with the Swedish organisation Rikssår (the National Registry of Ulcer Treatment). It will be held in the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre and Gothia Towers in Gothenburg, Sweden

Increase in mumps cases in England

In light of new data which demonstrates that the cases of mumps has tripled in the first quarter of this year, Public Health England has urged patients to ensure that they have received the MMR vaccine.