All articles by Barney horner

Barney horner

Most patients are willing to share medical records for research purposes

A study published in JAMA Network Open has found that the majority of patients are happy for their medical data to be shared with researchers

Listening to the patient voice can improve care for patients undergoing heart surgery

Patient-reported experiences have potential for driving improvements in the quality of hospital care, according to a new study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Sturrock report advisory group to tackle bullying in NHS Scotland

In response to a review led by John Sturrock QC into allegations of bullying in NHS Highland, an advisory group has been established by the Scottish government to promote professional behaviours and improve working practices.

Lords launch new inquiry into healthy ageing

The UK House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has asked for contributions for its new inquiry into how science and technology can enable healthier living in old age.

MRI scans could predict multiple sclerosis (MS) disability

New research published today in Brain states that early MRI scans of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) could predict how their condition will progress, including how disabled they are likely to become.

Beyond finding a gene

Families living with rare neurodegenerative diseases finally received an answer to the cause of their illnesses, as a result of a researcher’s hunch and decades of improvements in DNA sequencing technology.

Improving care quality for hospitalised socially at-risk patients

Nurses play a pivotal role in caring for hospitalised patients with social risk factors and preparing them for discharge

Scientists say multiple sclerosis could be diagnosed by a breath test in the future

A new study aims to show how multiple sclerosis (MS) could in future be diagnosed by a simple breath test

Personalised medicine software vulnerability uncovered

A weakness in one common open source software for genomic analysis left DNA-based medical diagnostics vulnerable to cyberattacks

Bradford Teaching Hospitals breaks new ground by creating role tasked with taking AI innovations from the labs to wards

Hospitals in Bradford in the United Kingdom have broken new ground with the appointment of their inaugural head of Clinical…