New automation systems for indirect immunofluorescence from EUROIMMUN aid workflow optimisation and analysis standardisation. The UNIQO 160 is designed for complete walkaway automation of IFA, while the EUROLabPolaris software enables digital connection of laboratory sites for centralised evaluation of IFA results. Both products are now CE-marked.
The indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is an essential screening method for detecting many types of antibodies. It offers high sensitivity and specificity, as well as a broad antigen spectrum. The most comprehensive IFA antibody profiles can be generated using EUROIMMUN BIOCHIP slides, which comprise mosaics of miniaturised substrates that are incubated simultaneously under standardised conditions. Manual incubation and evaluation of IFA slides is, however, time-consuming and requires sufficient specialised staff. Automation of slide incubation, microscopy and evaluation boosts the efficiency and standardisation of IFA analyses.
The UNIQO 160 provides all-in-one automation of indirect immunofluorescence assays.
Automation innovations
Laboratories’ automation requirements depend on their size and sample throughput. EUROIMMUN offers a comprehensive range of options for all needs. The EUROLabWorkstation IFA, for example, provides fully automated processing of IFA slides at an unmatched throughput of more than 200 samples per hour, while the IF Sprinter and Sprinter XL cater to smaller sample numbers. The EUROPattern Microscope 1.5 provides image acquisition and on-screen evaluation at a high processing capacity of up to 500 fields per run. The compact EUROPattern Microscope Live combines live microscopy with ultrafast image processing and is ideal for small to medium-throughput laboratories.
The new UNIQO 160 takes IFA automation to the next level, providing fully automated processing plus image acquisition, with software-based evaluation to be incorporated soon. The instrument performs the incubation and washing, coverslips the slides, acquires the images and provides these to the EUROLabOffice 4.0 software for evaluation. The UNIQO 160 incorporates barcode scanners to ensure complete traceability, a three-needle system for efficient pipetting and a high-quality microscope, which features an autofocus and three automatically changing objectives for brilliant fluorescence images. The instrument has a capacity of 160 samples per run and is therefore ideal for laboratories with medium sample throughput that are looking for a high degree of automation.
AI-based evaluation
Automated evaluation of images using AI processes yields objective results and timesavings for personnel. The EUROLabOffice 4.0 with the EUROPattern Classifier uses deep convolutional neural networks to provide reliable discrimination of positive and negative results, pattern recognition and titer determination. The AI-based evaluation encompasses applications such as anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) on HEp-2 cells, anti-neutrophil granulocyte antibodies (ANCA) on granulocyte substrates, antidsDNA antibodies on Crithidia luciliae, anti-neural antibodies on recombinant-cell substrates, and autoantibodies on tissue substrates such as liver and kidney. The software generates a result proposal that can be confirmed by the laboratory physician with just one mouse click or corrected directly in the software if necessary.
Intelligent connectivity
EUROLabPolaris supports laboratories that can process IFA but cannot diagnostically evaluate and verify the results, for example due to a lack of staff with experience in immunofluorescence diagnostics. IFA images acquired using a EUROPattern microscope can be sent via the EUROLabPolaris platform to a specialist at a partner site for evaluation. Secure coding and full traceability of data during the entire transfer process ensures highest data integrity. The IFA specialist evaluates the results, enters them in the EUROLabOffice 4.0 software, verifies and then sends the result back to the laboratory. The centralised evaluation by a small pool of experts ensures consistent standardised diagnostics and eliminates the need to transport samples between sites. The data exchange can be implemented nationally or internationally (subject to local regulatory requirements), enabling globally and intelligently connected IFA diagnostics.